A working summary of whats been going on — hit us up in the tg and provide any feedback you may have
Snapshot is Live
More details to come on upcoming proposals
Overview can be found here:
Now that V1 has launched here is how the contract integrations work.
We love data, sharing at a high level what we have been monitoring behind the scenes
Last but not least what is in store for the future?
V1 was only the beginning
— Here anon have a taste
One Final Note on Upcoming Multisig Payments:
7 Txns will be sent today to compensate devs/pms/extended time spent for lack of sleep to get V1 shipped + the continuous focus to get a full feature set up and operational.
32.5 Rope — Lumyo — 0xC340B7A2A70d7e08F25435CB97F3B25A45002e6C
32.5 Rope — Froggie — 0xc391791Ecbb9B8CcCc9E708Fc847E941AF8025B2
30 Rope — DK — 0xAD16ebE6FfC7d96624A380F394cD64395B0C6144
15 Rope — Super — 0xfCAD3475520fb54Fc95305A6549A79170DA8B7C0
5 Rope — K — 0xa75458342eF5965Fe48028d48945a85fea7B89da
2.5 Rope — Stoic — 0xD507248FcB54D01143ca87E677b8619bE8934b97
2.5 Rope — CoinAlch — 0x329b90Dd19E3Ca381E5c05E071C276401D3c03C6