Rope: Season 1 // An Homage to Anons

3 min readOct 1, 2020


Catch Up

One week since an anonymous Icebergy on the internet sent an airdrop to anyone who wanted it and let the community decide what should be built. In that time, the dead devs have accomplished a lot through many sleepless nights:

Memes, community building, established core team, NFT art set complete, v1 NFT farming built out, developed game theory for NFT farming, bootstrapped liquidity (more on that later), and enabled a multisig treasury.

We are ready to reveal the details of season 1 for Rope.


Anons bring so much to the crypto community. We want to honor them. The community decided on an initial artwork set of 10 anons who add a tremendous amount of value to the space, our time online wouldn’t be the same without them.

Here is the final set of featured anons that the community chose:

  • Icebergy
  • Satoshi
  • Monsoonie
  • Ghoul
  • Degen Spartan
  • ChainlinkGod
  • BlueKirby
  • CryptoGainz
  • Chef Nomi
  • Zeus Capital

I know, I know…they’re not all beloved heroes but they all provided something to the community and we appreciate it.

As part of this release, each anon featured above will receive a rare of their own card, if they want it of course. These will be minted through multisig.

What’s a rare you ask?

Season 1 Game Rules

Players will farm a very limited exclusive set of cards. For each of the 10 cards, there are 500 uncommons and 100 rares.

In this initial v1, Rope players will have a choice of 2 pools (or both!):

  • Staking pool with a max limit of 30 ROPE
  • LP pool with a limit of 20 LP tokens

Players will use the ROPE to farm HOPE (a non-tradable token on the contract level) and use HOPE to mint the NFTs.

All cards are available to both pools, staking and LP. Players staking in the LP pool will generate 25% more HOPE for every $$$ staked vs players only in the ROPE staking pool. Players staking the LP pool will find they can stake a greater dollar amount than staking only players.

Cards will be available for 14 days or until they are all minted, whichever comes first.

Please consider strategy as you approach the game, there’s more than one way to play this. HOPE will also transfer over to future seasons ;)

Plan Trusters Rewarded

Watching the community bootstrap over $250k in liquidity for a pool with no incentive brought a tear to our dead dev’s eyes. We implemented an approach on how early plan trusters could be rewarded retroactively.

A series of secret pool snapshots were taken at key times: roughly 48 hours post launch, 96 hours post launch, again at 1 week post launch, and finally the morning of launch. Those snapshots were cross compared and players who stayed in the pool for all 4 snaps were determined to be plan trusters.

Not so subtle hints were dropped on twitter a while before the first, the second, the 1 week checkpoint, and the final snapshot. These were shared in the telegram channel as well.

Plan trusters will also be minted a random rare from the set using the same multisig minting technique for the featured anons.

Angel’s Share

2.5% of all hope generated is sent to the multisig account. We call this the Angel’s share, we needed a accelerant to keep things moving and think you will agree with us this model incentivizes the dev team to keep pushing forward. This gives us flexibility in how we use it to expand our ecosystem, potential uses are; to do cross protocol collaborations (ex moonbase), redeem our own nfts, sells those nfts to buy back rope, pay for artists, pay our core team, expand the team, etc — the world is our oyster. As the core team decides how this will be utilized we will communicate before any action is taken, transparency is key to the team so keep alerts set on our social accounts to stay in the loop.

Disclaimer: Remember nothing is written in stone, so any of the above is subject to change if we think as a community it is the right step forward. To aid in opening some decisions to the community we will be setting up our voting snapshot to include the new staking pools, stay tuned.

Let The Games Begin

Rope v1 farming is now live. Good luck to all of you and enjoy the farming while the dead devs cook up the next batch of tricks.


Giver Of Hope
Hope Vending
Rope Makers United — NFT Mint
Transfer RopeMaker ownership to multisig
Transfer HopeNonTradable ownership to multisig
Transfer HopeVendingMachine ownership to multisig




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