Dead Devs have been hard at work and have a lot of upcoming announcements to share with you today.
Following all of the updates a vote will be put up to confirm that the community agrees with the approach — Vote will end on December 16th. If passed, all changes will go live by ~December 19th.
Table of Contents (Items to be Included in Vote Proposal)
1) Set 1 & Noombase the Game
2) Onsen
3) Hope Tradeable
4) Staking
5) Varess NFT Marketplace
Set 1
As we move from seasons to sets, we would like to announce that the next batch of phenomenal NFTs will launch on December 19th. We partnered with a group of professional animators led by our art director Kika to build this collection for you, and think you will be amazed at the quality of these fully interactive & animated 3d Models. We will tease the theme in the upcoming week, but we believe you will be astounded with the quality as much as we were.
The NFTs from this set can be staked for additional HOPE generation, and the set will be grouped by the Model, not by the rarity like in the past, more on this at launch.
This set will have 2 ways to redeem:
1) Hope can be outright spent to redeem
2) We have created a lottery based system, so that there is a fair way for all community members regardless of contribution size, to have a fair shot at all of the new NFTs.
Example: Rare Model 1 can be outright bought for 100k Hope. This is while a supplies last model, so if they are all purchased they are gone. Rare Model 1 can also be won via lottery, thus there will be an contract open to facilitate this. Tickets will cost 1k Hope each, and once 100 Lottery Tickets have been sold (100k), a user can call the lottery function (for a small share of the hope spent) to run the lottery and reward the winner with a Rare Model 1 NFT. The lottery then resets and mints another NFT to be included in the next lottery.
NoomBase the Game
Upon release of Set 1, we will end minting of the previous NoomBase the Game Cards, so get to pack cracking now to try and secure the last cards to complete your set bonuses before time runs out!
Onsen Sushi Application & xSushi Staking
By now I am sure you have seen the news that we have applied to be a part of the upcoming Onsen Launch. SIMP 2 — More info Here.
We believe that the community ideals of Sushi align with ours and feel like there are very few downsides to becoming a part of this program.
As such we will be creating a quick swap option to move Uniswap LP tokens to SushiSwap LP Tokens. SushiSwap LP tokens will become hope generating as well (more on this later).
Upon the release of the wrapped SushiBar contract, we will be supporting this as well. So in the case we are approved, SushiSwap LP Tokens will be both Hope generating as well as Sushi rewards generating. We look forward to adding value to the sushi community, starting with adding xSushi as a Hope generating asset!
Transition to Tradable Hope
As we are working to confirm the features that Varess (NFT Marketplace) will provide at launch, we would like to perform a proof of concept now to ensure the community/economics coincide on some of our main features.
One we would like to share with you today is allowing Artists to Utilize the platform to highlight their work. Shortly we will be creating a process for new and established artists alike to utilize our platform. They will be able to create some artist work, create a vote, and if passed by the community we will add their art to the platform.
We feel in the current marketplaces, a lot of new artists work gets lost at sea, and thus feel that listing with the ROPE community provides a platform for these artists to bring awareness to their work.
We also believe that these artists should get compensated for this community governed model, thus the main reason for making HOPE tradable.
Between the new set (which we are very bullish on) and allowing artists to list their work on our platform, we believe HOPE demand will equalize shortly after listing. New/Existing users can purchase hope if they do not have enough, but also artist will be able to receive a small fee for the work they created.
With this new model, ROPE becomes an interest generating token. To ensure inflation does not get out of hand, all HOPE spent on ROPE sourced artwork will still maintain 100% Burn, for new artists we will maintain a burn model at something like 50/50 Artist/Burn — This allocation has yet to be confirmed.
To Seed the initial HOPE liquidity pool, we will utilize the HOPE in the treasury to facilitate this. We will create a jumpRope to sell 50% of the Treasury HOPE for ETH, then once complete we will use this to seed the HOPE/ETH pool on, you guessed it, SushiSwap. The initial LP tokens will then be burned.
If members of our community decide to add liquidity to this pool as well, these LP tokens will be the highest HOPE yielding tokens in the ecosystem to reward the real plan trusters.
Staking Cap Removal
As we move liquidity we will also be making some changes to max staking caps. Details can be found below. For xSushi we will be creating a new contract that shares a fixed emission of Hope per block across all users staking xSushi. This model will be used going forward for all future community alliances.
Traditional HOPE Emission (Fixed Rate on Value Staked)
- ROPE — No Cap
- ROPE/ETH UniSwap LP — To Be Removed in the Future
- ROPE/ETH SushiSwap LP — No Cap
- HOPE/ETH SushiSwap LP — No Cap
Fixed Emission Per Block Distributed Across Staking Wallets
- xSushi — No Cap
- ROPE/LINK LinkSwap LP — No Cap
NFT Staking
As we move towards Varess, we understand the gas fees associated with staking is very high, especially as your collection grows. Set 1 will be HOPE generating, New Artist Onboards will not be HOPE generating.
Varess will have different mechanics, current NFT holders will be rewarded, and we will be sharing more on this at a later stage as we work to alleviate the gas costs.
Intentionally, we are keeping a lot of Varess features under wraps, but happy to share some of the features we plan to have at launch or shortly thereafter; we will continue to share these features as they are confirmed.
In terms of mechanics ROPE will go through a token swap from ROPE-> VARESS. VARESS will be a new token, that can be staked on the platform to share fees generated by the platform. Staked Varess Tokens will both share fees as well as generate a HOPE like interest token, that can be spent on certain assets listed by artists.
This creates a Freemium like model for the platform, where artists can list artwork that can be bought by traditional methods (ETH/DAI/USDC etc) as well as Demo/Sample artwork to be purchased with the HOPE like alternative. HOPE will also be transfer over to the new platform as well. These Token swaps will act in a similar method to the EthLend->AAVE token swap that has recently occurred. Specifics on this will be released closer to launch.
We will allow artists to sell artwork through various means. We plan to have a traditional order-book most users are comfortable with, as well as multiple auction types. Some Auction Types we look to implement are Lotteries, Dutch Auctions, Traditional Auctions (Absolute/Reserve), and Bidding-Fee Auctions (Penny). These functions are being built with decentralization first, thus barring any technology advancements in the near term, we plan to have on-chain order-books etc, negating the need for off-chain orders like seen with many marketplaces today.
Varess will also be built community first, and as the community will be the members purchasing NFTs, they should drive the platform as well.
So artist highlights, discovery, collaborations, protocol changes, drops, etc… will all be community vote driven. Ideally, the core group now will be mostly hands off in the future, and these metrics will be decided either via Vote or Token Spend.
There is a lot to digest in this update, but hopefully you are as excited as we are with what the future of the ROPE ecosystem will bring. Set 1 we think will amaze art enthusiasts and crypto nerds alike, and we are thrilled to share with you all the protocol changes coming in the near and mid term. If you agree with the approach we welcome you to put your ROPE to work and vote for the future.
— Dead Devs